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Product Manager career path


Andrew Moll — Tackling storytelling and imposter syndrome as a Product Manager

Moll’s Background  From a young age, Andrew Moll harbored an entrepreneurial spirit, spearheading his first business at age 12.  Now in the midst of his career, he serves as Head of Product for Abacum, a computer software company based in San Francisco, California that is currently going through Y- Combinator (a well-known startup accelerator).  Moll began his professional career at Microsoft in a technology position.  He eventually took a break from the…

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Udayan Naik, Product Leader – Interview

An interview with Product leader Udayan Naik who currently has leadership experience in product management and engineering. His passion is building and learning from great products. This interview covers some of the greatest challenges that Udayan faced during his Product journey and how he encourages alignment with the Product team across the rest of the organization …

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